The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) asked the states to ensure movement of material and engineers for zero disruption in renewable energy generation.
The MNRE in a notification noted “Power generation (including renewable power generation) is an essential service for securing smooth and uninterrupted power flow across and within states .”
The ministry said there is a need to ensure uninterrupted power supply in the current scenario of Covid-19 outbreak and nationwide lockdown.
According to TOI ministry also asked states for a waiver under Section 144, nationwide lockdown, curfew or any other limitation on a “number of people to gather in locations like sites, substations, transmission lines and towers etc. and other related locations where it may be required for operation and maintenance activities of renewable power generation and associated equipment”.
A renewable energy developer speaking to the publication said that such clarification that power falls under essential services was necessary. “
Last week the ministry issued a notification that said that the outbreak would be covered under the force majeure clause.
Anand Kumar, MNRE secretary, in a tweet said “All renewable energy projects under implementation will be given extension of time considering period of lock down and time required for remobilisation of work force.”