Oriano has commissioned 26 MWac/36 MWp Solar Park at 110 kV in Raichur, Karnataka under Group Captive Open Access Mechanism for one of the Global Pharma Power Off-taker.
Oriano was awarded for the Project with scope of Captive PPA/SHA acquisition, Third Party Legal Land due diligence & 100+ Acres Land acquisition, All Land & Development and Project related approvals including Solar Park Govt. Order, Sub-GO, Evacuation Approval, Bay Allocation, Project NOCs, CEIG, Interconnection Approval, etc., turnkey EPC of the Project, Construction of 110 kV Switchyard, 110 kV Transmission Line including RoW Approval & Bay.
It’s an end-to-end Project offered by Oriano including 5 years of O&M.
Despite Covid, multiple lockdowns across the country, development related challenges, material uncertainty in terms of supply & commercial escalations, Oriano Commissioned the Project in a timely manner with all compliances & keeping HSE on priority, said the company in a statement.
Lokendra Singh Director & Co-Founder, Oriano said as a strategy to extend beyond Utility scale turnkey Solar Project EPC, it’s the first project delivered by Oriano on Turnkey Development & EPC mode under Group Captive Open Access Mechanism. The challenges and timelines were daunting due to covid restrictions, heavy rains, etc.
The project site construction started in mid of July 2021 and took 4 months to fully commission & charge the Project with 110 kV Bay, TL, & GSS Infrastructure.
Oriano is developing four additional Solar parks in multiple states of 100 MWp (Maharashtra), 125 MWp (Karnataka), 50 MWp (Tamil Nadu) and 70 MWp (Chhattisgarh) and are in advance stages. Oriano is additionally working on Wind Solar Hybrid Project in Karnataka.
Oriano is additionally currently constructing approx. 150+ MWp multiple projects in Chhattisgarh on Captive Open Access Mechanism at 132 kV Evacuation.