India Energy Storage Alliance (IESA) on Tuesday, June 14, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Korea Trade & Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA) South Asia Head Office, for promoting advanced energy storage and e-mobility in the South Korean and Indian markets.
The MoU was signed in a virtual meeting between Dr. Rahul Walawalkar, President, IESA, and Joonhwa Bin, Managing Director, KOTRA, South Asia Head Office, in presence of Debi Prasad Dash, Executive Director, IESA, and Donghyun Rhee, Director General, KOTRA Mumbai, among other representatives.
The newly forged partnership will allow IESA and KOTRA to work together to exchange knowledge, establish best practices, exchange information, and create new business opportunities in the South Korean and Indian energy storage and e-mobility markets for their respective members.
The following activities will be accomplished as a part of the cooperation between the two agencies:
• Market information exchange
• Creating opportunities for member companies to explore joint ventures or collaborations
• Promotion of quality aspects
• Promotion of installation best practices
• Exchange of knowledge on digitalization
• Exchange of knowledge on energy storage
• Joint webinars
• Joint events (as applicable)
“India’s energy storage industry, which is the key means of renewable energy development and eco-friendliness, is expected to develop significantly, and with this MoU as an opportunity, we will strive to expand exchanges between energy storage companies in Korea and India,” said Donghyun Rhee, DG, KOTRA, Mumbai.
“Korea is a global leader in advanced energy storage research and manufacturing and India is emerging as one of the largest markets for advanced energy storage technologies. IESA has set a vision to make India a global hub for R&D, manufacturing, and adoption of advanced energy storage and e-mobility technologies. In this regard, MoU with KOTRA is an important milestone for exploring active technology collaborations and sharing of best practices amongst Korean and Indian companies,” said Dr. Rahul Walawalkar, President, IESA.
“Last year, IESA launched India Battery Supply Chain Council (IBSCC) and is working with companies setting up manufacturing across the supply chain for giga factories. Given the presence of Korean companies around the globe in setting up giga factories, this partnership can also allow IESA member companies to explore synergies for exploring export opportunities,” said Debi Prasad Dash, Executive Director, IESA.