The Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Management(EEREM) floated tender for setting up 35 Megawatt (Mw) grid-connected rooftop solar projects in the national capital under the Mukhyamantri Solar Power Program.
The tender invites bids for installation of rooftop solar projects across residential, social and institutional sectors. The rooftop solar project will be developed in eight parts under both CAPEX and RESCO models.
Out of 35 MW, 10 MW will be developed under CAPEX model and 25 MW under RESCO Model.
IPGCL to oversee the proceedings of the tender and project execution on behalf of EEREM. The empanelled firms will be responsible for design, supply, erection, testing and commissioning including warranty, comprehensive O&M for five years for CAPEX model, and 25 years for RESCO model of grid interactive rooftop solar PV power plant.
The firms would make all the necessary arrangement for evacuation and injection of surplus power to the grid at the interconnection point or points as agreed with distribution companies.
The pre-bid meeting for this tender will be held here on 10 December where the developers from across the state are expected to participate.